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After building a series of narratives, to move forward, it was necessary to arrive at a form that would represent the oxymoron as a whole. The idea was to combine both worlds into one form. Therefore, through brainstorming and a part of primary research about extinction, I came up with the concept of fossils. Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms, but also not necessarily always of something dead. They are a tangible connection to life, landscapes, and climates of the past. They show us how life, landscapes, and climate have changed over time and how living things responded to those changes. We probably do not know what happens to the organism after it is covered and the sediment turns to rock. Does the organism remain as it is or it changes? Is it dead or still alive? Well, they hold the capacity to tell stories of something that died or is extinct or maybe still alive, which results in mystery. 

Extinct Life

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